Order Tracking

WooCommerce Order Tracking Page: Best Practices and Examples 2023

Lawely | Jan 17, 2023 | Order Tracking

You have worked hard to promote your WooCommerce store. And now you are enjoying the fruits of your labor: sales are coming in, revenue is healthy, and people can’t stop ordering stuff from your business. All that seems great, but don’t forget to set up a WooCommerce order tracking page for your customers. It’s a page they can visit to track the status of their packages at any time. The benefits of an order tracking page are plenty—you’ll increase customer trust, build customer loyalty, and more.


Not sure how to set one up? Don’t worry—we’ll show you how to install an order tracking page on your WooCommerce store—step-by-step. 


1. What is a track your order status page?

If you’ve never heard of a track your order status page, don’t sweat because its purpose is really simple to understand.


After customers order a product on your WooCommerce store, the backend system will send them a confirmation email with an order tracking number. 

 Instead of the customer asking you for assistance or going to a third-party carrier site to track their order, a track your order status page allows them to view their package status on your WooCommerce store. 

 While it may not sound like a big deal, customers appreciate it when you make tracking an order’s status less of a hassle.

order status page - Parcelpanel

2. How can my customers track their orders on WooCommerce?

Seeing orders flow in is exciting. But how do you make sure your customers can track their orders on your WooCommerce site?

First, you need to install a WooCommerce order tracking plugin. Although we may sound a bit biased, we definitely recommend ParcelPanel, which currently supports 1,000+ carriers.

Using the ParcelPanel WooCommerce plugin means there will be a one-click tracking page on your site. Customers just need to enter their order number and email/name, and the page will display all the necessary information. It’s that simple.

branding tracking page parcelpanel

3. Why do you need the WooCommerce order tracking page?

With the eCommerce world getting more competitive by the day, you need to do everything possible to improve the customer experience. Waiting for a package can sometimes cause anxiety for the customer, resulting in buyer remorse and even cancellation. 


A WooCommerce tracking page prevents this from happening. Plus, it helps:

  • Increase customer retention. With a WooCommerce track your order page, your business will appear professional and trustworthy. Such credibility is a catalyst for improved customer retention and loyalty.
  • Free up support. Instead of your support staff answering WISMO questions, the WooCommerce order tracking page will serve the customer. As a result, you can spend your time on more important tasks.
  • Encourage repurchases. Not only does a track your order status page enhance customer experience, but it also improves your odds of a customer buying another product. Modern order-tracking plugins help you achieve this via product recommendations. 


4. What will happen if you don’t have the WooCommerce order tracking page?

If you don’t offer an order tracking page on your WooCommerce site, your customer experience will suffer. Anyone who places an order would need to visit a carrier’s website to:

  • Know the package’s location
  • Identify the carrier in charge of shipping
  • Keep track of potential delays

And we all know how outdated carrier websites can be. Rather than making your customers jump through multiple hoops, it’s best to add a dedicated order tracking page to your storefront.

smart notifications parcelpanel

5. Signs your order tracking process needs work

Are you already tracking an order in progress? Keep an eye on the following signs indicating whether it could do with a complete overhaul or a few tweaks.

  • Too many order-related customers calls

Unsatisfied customers will make many more WISMO calls than any other issue. This is a clear indication that the tracking page needs to be updated.

Not only does this provide a bad CX, but it also causes your support staff to be tied up with queries that could happen automatically. By including a WooCommerce order tracker on your order tracking page, your customers will be kept up to date with all their delivery updates.

  • Complicated procedures for customer inquiries

If a customer has a query, it should be easy for them to raise it. Will they find all their information in one, please, or do they have to log into your website to get it before going to the carrier? Unfortunately, this is a common process many sites require their customers to go through.

If this is the case, you must re-evaluate how your customers access this information. The best way to do this is with a personalized tracking page directly on your site. Fortunately, this is something that WooCommence will provide you!

  • An inconsistent experience through your brand

Customers will be removed from your company if there are clear discrepancies between their pre- and post-purchase experiences. Ensuring that you provide the same level of support and ease of use before and after a sale will inspire customers to come back to you again and again.

Keep your post-purchase customer journey consistent with your sales with WooCommerce on your tracking pages. Allowing your customers branded tracking and relevant product recommendations will keep them engaged and interested in your business.

oprder tracking all in one parcelpanel

6. Why are people recommending the order tracking page?

Here are several reasons why people recommend using it for your merchant sites:

  • Eases customer concerns – Customers worry about their packages arriving on the promised delivery date. This becomes even worse when they cannot track their packages’ progress. Any business will improve its customers’ state of mind by including this function.
  • Post-purchase promotion – Order tracking and post-purchase updates are a great way to offer further promotions on goods and services. Since every customer is likely to engage with these emails, they are best used to promote your products and sales further and offers a much greater effect.
  • Reduced abandoned purchases –If potential customers see no post-purchase support or tracking options, they’re more likely to abandon their cart. Providing estimated delivery dates and shipping times immediately improves customers’


7. What must an order tracking page have?

The best order tracking pages contain several components. These components work together to engage customers and drive repeat purchases. Ideally, the order tracking page must contain:

  • Crucial information. Important information such as estimated delivery time should appear on the order tracking page. A high percentage of customers want to know when they can get their package.
  • Progress bar. The progress bar shows what stage of the shipment journey the order is at. Even a little progress can give customers peace of mind that their order is one step closer to being delivered.
  • AI recommendations. The tracking page should allow you to display product collections as recommendations. Pages that offer this allow you to make the most of the post-purchase upsell opportunity.
  • Multilingual tracking. You should be able to offer an on-brand experience in the customer’s native language.
  • One-click tracking. The page should enable customers to track orders with a single click—at every step of the way.
  • Redirect delivery. Some tracking pages also provide customers with the flexibility to redirect scheduled packages to another address.

oprder tracking all in one parcelpanel

8. How to create your WooCommerce branded tracking page with one-click

You can set create a branded tracking page in one click using the ParcePanel WooCommerce plugin. Below, we’ve listed the steps to take to create own track your order status page.

1) First, install ParcelPanel by visiting its WordPress repository page and downloading the .zip file.

2) Next, open your WordPress admin, choose Plugins > Add New, upload the zip file for ParcelPanel and activate the plugin.

3) Open WordPress admin >. Appearance > Menus 

4)Check the Track Your Order box, then select Add to Menu button.

You can add your tracking page in different places, but we recommend placing it in the main menu as it’s a better option.

5)Go to ParcelPanel’s menu in a WordPress admin and add a branded tracking page in one click via the relevant option.


ParcelPanel lets you view the tracking page before adding it to your storefront. It supports several carriers, including those used by dropshipping merchants (China EMS, China Post, YunExpress, AliExpress Standard Shipping, and CJ Packet).

Plus, you get the option to hide Chinese shipping origin from your tracking page. So you can provide your customer with an all-around brand shopping experience.

Here is an example tracking page created with ParcelPanel:


3 inspiring tracking page examples

Need some inspiration for tracking pages? Check out the pages below—we’ve taken them from e-commerce stores so you can get an idea of how others are using track our order status page.

  1. Victoria’s Secret

Victoria’s Secret its order tracking page is simple and minimalist. The progress bar tells customers the status of their order wherever other details showcase the latest action taken on the shipment. It’s a simple yet powerful landing page to use at the post-purchase stage.

Victoria’s Secret order tracking page Parcelpanel

  1. Wayfair

Ever seen an order tracking page with clean graphics? Wayfair has such a page. The vibe of the tracking page is in line with Wayfair’s brand, and there’s all the tracking info the buyer needs. Plus, the tracking page includes a content box telling customers what to expect on the delivery day.

wayfair tracking page parcelpanel

  1.  Native

Native’s order tracking page reflects the brand’s natural appeal. You’ll see an excellent balance between the block design keeping the page together and the copy meant to call out the customer. There’s even a call-out telling visitors to share the item with their friends. The various CTAs are placed perfectly and don’t make it feel like the visitor is being marketed to.

Native tracking page Parcelpanel


Final thoughts

Congratulations. You’ve learned everything you need to create a track your order status page for your WooCommerce site.

To recap, you’ll need a plugin like ParcelPanel to set up your page. Getting a paid-price plan is recommended, even though order tracking can be set up for free. The higher-tier plan offers additional features to improve your post-purchase experience.

Create a branded tracking page with ParcelPanel to offer a one-of-kind customer experience. The effort you make today will reap benefits tomorrow in the shape of repeat customers and loyal advocates. And remember, there is a big post-purchase upsell opportunity you can tap into by leveraging the features of ParcelPanel. 

 Try ParcelPanel free WooCommerce plugin


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